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How can mindfulness help with the stress and anxiety of what we are dealing with right now?
It is this lack of certainty and the fear of what might happen next which is responsible for much of the increase in anxiety and stress. This is where mindfulness can help. Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of what is going in your mind and being able to manage it better.
Habit or addiction?
Addiction is a constant, persistent and intense obsession and urge to do or use something to change how we feel that we find we cannot function well without. So, how does a ‘habit’ become an addiction?
How to get more social media done in less time with time blocking
Time blocking can be used for every part of your life. Even setting aside 20 minutes in a super busy week to write out some captions in a document and grab some images can give you a week's worth of content. No more writing and scheduling one at a time. Use these 4 steps to batch create your social media posts and save time in your business.
Why do I feel overwhelmed? Understanding how overwhelmed thoughts create overwhelmed experience
Do you feel overwhelmed? What do you think is causing this overwhelm - running your own business, feeling as if there are not enough hours in the day, financial pressure, not having enough time for yourself? The truth is: if you THINK about all the things you have to do, you will FEEL overwhelmed. So that is what you experience in that moment.
Three Ps that may be preventing you from achieving your goals
Whether your goals are long term or short term, personal or business focused, the following three Ps can often show up to get in your way. Now, we can bury our heads in the sand and tell ourselves we’ll get to where we want to be eventually, or we can look honestly at the following three Ps and choose to eliminate them to achieve our desires faster and a lot less ‘painfully’.
How business owners can overcome chronic isolation and loneliness
Chronic loneliness is characterised by constant feelings of being alone, separated or divided from others, and an inability to connect on a deeper level. It can also be accompanied by deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, and self-loathing. Learn how to overcome this feeling.
How mindfulness can really help improve your life
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.