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Why Taking a Tea Break is the Most Productive Thing You'll Do All Day
Taking a tea break isn’t just a pause; it’s a power move. It’s a way to reset, refocus, and remind yourself that you deserve a moment of peace. Whether you’re deep in work mode or ticking off household chores, that small window of calm can make all the difference.
Let's talk about movement this Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
May 13th – 19th is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the theme focuses on movement and action. This week was set up to give people time and space to talk about their mental health, providing an understanding of mental health and reduce stigma.
Executive functioning and dysfunction for entrepreneurs and employees
Often, employees who become defensive and emotionally reactive about certain topics are the ones who could benefit the most from improving their executive function.
How to love yourself after trauma
Healing after trauma takes time, patience, and self-compassion. Don’t think that after a week you will be healed and living your best life and everything will be back to normal like nothing happened especially if you are on the higher end of trauma.
When the voice in your head tells you “You’re not worthy”
Belief. What comes to mind when we hear that word? Mostly positive connotations, as beliefs shape our lives. However, for some people, negative beliefs can dominate and dictate their existence. This happens when you're surrounded by individuals who uplift you, provide positive support, and bring out the best in you.
Dance with the Moon
The moon is as part of our life as water is. The question is how do we enhance our health and wellbeing by connecting to the Moon cycles? The moon cycles are connected to feminine lunar energy of production and manifesting. Each 14-day moon cycle (full moon and new moon) affects and guides our mood and mental health – have you noticed how you feel during full moon and new moon cycles?
5 Ways To Help You Feel More Gratitude In Your Everyday Life
Feeling grateful is an essential part of a happy life and can help you to cultivate meaningful connections with those around you. With these easy steps, you can make sure that feeling grateful stays at the forefront of your life.
Is low self-esteem plaguing your life?
Low self-esteem can make our lives feel like an uphill struggle, but taking just a few small action steps each day to make yourself feel better can have lasting results. And once you are on that upward spiral, life will just keep feeling better and better.
Work/Life Balance Post COVID - Adjusting To The New Normal
According to Dentistry today (2020), half of the dentists 50% are dissatisfied with their work life balance. How can we assist them to have a positive work life balance? One may ask what is the difference between a positive work life balance and a negative work life balance? Personally it is having the flexibility to manage time between your work and your personal life.
How can mindfulness help with the stress and anxiety of what we are dealing with right now?
It is this lack of certainty and the fear of what might happen next which is responsible for much of the increase in anxiety and stress. This is where mindfulness can help. Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of what is going in your mind and being able to manage it better.
How is mental health in construction UK being addressed?
With this industry still being very male-dominated, we also need to remember that men are three times more likely to commit suicide. Figures like that pose the question as to why more isn’t being done to tackle this silent crisis of mental health in construction UK.
Being comfortable with being uncomfortable – how to expand your comfort zone
As humans we are cyclic beings, like the rest of nature; and as cyclic beings we are not meant to stay the same. We know that change is scary. It is uncomfortable. And the challenge is to being comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Quiet quitting – the answer to burnout?
There are many people who are very burnt out and I recently spoke to someone who is intending to take time out of the workplace to recover. As the saying goes, ‘They who fight and run away live to fight another day.’ But that’s the point, it’s not giving up the fight whatever that represents. It’s regrouping, refreshing and recovering.
Why do I feel overwhelmed? Understanding how overwhelmed thoughts create overwhelmed experience
Do you feel overwhelmed? What do you think is causing this overwhelm - running your own business, feeling as if there are not enough hours in the day, financial pressure, not having enough time for yourself? The truth is: if you THINK about all the things you have to do, you will FEEL overwhelmed. So that is what you experience in that moment.