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The Psychology Of Successful Real Estate Investing
Plunging straight into real estate can shatter your composure—like diving off a cliff without checking the depth. Yes, market analytics and money know-how form your bedrock, but the lynchpin? Your mindset. It governs victory or utter collapse.
The Psychology of Digital Marketing: Understanding Your Audience
Step into your audience’s mind garden, where knowing their thoughts helps your brand’s digital presence blossom and cultivates a landscape of engagement and loyalty.
6 Therapist-Approved Communication Exercises For Couples
Conflicts provide us insights into the state of a relationship. Remember that fighting is not always a bad omen, as all couples go through rough times in their relationships. Before learning how couples can improve communication, we must first understand the differences between good and bad communication.
Being comfortable with being uncomfortable – how to expand your comfort zone
As humans we are cyclic beings, like the rest of nature; and as cyclic beings we are not meant to stay the same. We know that change is scary. It is uncomfortable. And the challenge is to being comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Quiet quitting – the answer to burnout?
There are many people who are very burnt out and I recently spoke to someone who is intending to take time out of the workplace to recover. As the saying goes, ‘They who fight and run away live to fight another day.’ But that’s the point, it’s not giving up the fight whatever that represents. It’s regrouping, refreshing and recovering.
Habit or addiction?
Addiction is a constant, persistent and intense obsession and urge to do or use something to change how we feel that we find we cannot function well without. So, how does a ‘habit’ become an addiction?
Why do I feel overwhelmed? Understanding how overwhelmed thoughts create overwhelmed experience
Do you feel overwhelmed? What do you think is causing this overwhelm - running your own business, feeling as if there are not enough hours in the day, financial pressure, not having enough time for yourself? The truth is: if you THINK about all the things you have to do, you will FEEL overwhelmed. So that is what you experience in that moment.
Three Ps that may be preventing you from achieving your goals
Whether your goals are long term or short term, personal or business focused, the following three Ps can often show up to get in your way. Now, we can bury our heads in the sand and tell ourselves we’ll get to where we want to be eventually, or we can look honestly at the following three Ps and choose to eliminate them to achieve our desires faster and a lot less ‘painfully’.
How business owners can overcome chronic isolation and loneliness
Chronic loneliness is characterised by constant feelings of being alone, separated or divided from others, and an inability to connect on a deeper level. It can also be accompanied by deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, and self-loathing. Learn how to overcome this feeling.
Entrepreneurs & Mental Health - What, Why, and How, to Cope?
Based on a study from UC Berkeley 72% of entrepreneurs struggle with some type of mental health issue. Of that 30% had a history of other forms of mental-health related issues such as depression, substance abuse problems, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.
How mindfulness can really help improve your life
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.
How to control your nerves when public speaking
Discover the reasons why most of us fear public speaking and learn some useful tricks and exercises to manage and control your nerves when facing an audience.
The Amazing Transformation That Remote Work Will Have In This Decade
Without a doubt, remote work offers a promising future. Although the current labor system still maintains a high percentage of work in person, the innovation and optimization of these services will have better results and more acceptance in companies.
How to Make Your Business Launch a Success
Getting a small business off the ground and running requires a concentrated effort, and there are some missteps that are easy for first-time business owners to make. Being mindful of potential pitfalls can help ensure you’re moving in the right direction from day one.
How to Talk About Mental Health At Work: 12 Best Tips
If you have an employee who is suffering from mental illness or poor mental health at work, here are 12 of our best tips on how to talk about it at work without embarrassing or discouraging your team members.
Is It Possible To Trade Alongside Your Day Job?
If you're looking to get into trading while keeping your day job, then fear not! It's true that you can trade alongside your current job and achieve success if you're willing to put in the hard work and effort. Let's go over how it's done!
5 Cyber Security Tips For Small Businesses
Since hackers have become so intelligent and skilled at infiltrating computers, all small business owners must be careful not to inadvertently open their companies up to potential infiltration. There are many ways in which cyber security issues can harm small businesses, from identity theft to the loss of sensitive data.
Why All Businesses Need The 3Rs of Goal Setting
Goal setting is important for all businesses. This is because it allows a business to set achievable short term and long term goals that can help them achieve their ultimate vision for the future. To work out how to set goals, you need to understand the four different types of business owners.
Five Mindset Shifts to Help You Grow Your Business
So often our mindset really is the one thing stopping us from achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential. And while it’s not something you can easily change with the flick of a switch, it’s definitely more than possible. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge in the right direction.
How to Overcome the Fear of Starting Your Own Business
Despite how much you want to, starting your own business is scary. You don’t just step timidly out of your comfort zone; you have to launch yourself into the unknown. And it is terrifying. But I’m here to encourage you that often, trusting your instincts and forging your own path is just what you should do.