Becky Ackerman
Founder of I Do Handmade
I Do Handmade hosts pop-up markets across the UK, offering handmade brands the opportunity to sell their hand-crafted creations inside impressive commercial and corporate locations. Becky runs I Do Handmade with her mum Wendy, and together they are on a mission to not only transform the way we shop, but to showcase a nation of talented creatives, makers and artists helping them get the attention they deserve.
Monthly newsletter - The Pop-Up Round-Up
A monthly email listing all new pop-up opportunities. Content is mainly aimed at business owners providing top tips, free workshops and news from across the small business industry. Sign up to receive here.
Phone: 07791699430
Read our blog:
- AI
- AJ Balois
- Abdullah Saleem
- Abodus Student Living
- Adam Haeems
- Admin
- Adolfo Gascon
- Afrasiab Ahmad
- Agnes Joseph
- Ahsan Zafeer
- Alan Trojanowski
- Alan Wallace
- Aldo Bianchi
- Alena Mage
- Alex Tan
- Alexandra Lunn
- Aline V. Galloway
- Allyson Alford
- Amal Ahmed
- Amanda Duncan
- Amir Ansari
- Amritpal Singh
- Anastasiia Kokorina
- Andre Oentoro
- Andrew Noll
- Angela Harmon
- Artisans
- Ashwini Dave
- Asif Nadeem
- Associated Security
- Austin Page
- Banjo Babatunde
- Barney Packer
- Becky Ackerman
- Becky Davis
- Ben Jukes
- Bernie Wales
- Bhumi Chhag
- Birgit Itse
- Blakeney Leigh
- Brad Borkan
- Brand
- Brandon Leibowitz
- Burkhard Berger
- Business
- Cameron Magee
- Carl Torrence
- Charlie Michael Baker
- Charlie Woods
- Chatty Garrate