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5 Trends Shaping the Future of Sales in the Age of AI
For years, the top sellers from most industries have outworked, out-talked, and out-closed the competition. But AI is shifting the game from who works hardest to who works smartest. It's creeping into sales; whether people like it or not, it’s here to stay.
The New Kid On The Block: The Benefits and Risks of Using ChatGPT in Customer Service
ChatGPT is very much the technological talking point of the year so far, making headlines for its realistic, human-like conversational experience. The prototype – developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory co-founded by Elon Musk – has recently been linked with Microsoft in a multi-billion dollar investment.
Business Tips To Prepare and Manage Seasonal Workers
Whether it’s the Christmas retail trade, summer hospitality work, or farming during the harvest season, the benefits of seasonal workers are incredibly apparent. Seasonal workers reduce the need for large workforces all year round and favor employment only when demand is greatest.
How and Why You Should be Reporting on Project Success
An effective business should conduct regular reporting on project success. Analysing performance will help you work effectively towards your KPIs, and allow for beneficial changes to be identified. By not reporting on project success, you are putting your business at a disadvantage.
Combatting Skills Shortage: 4 Key Measures to Attract Top-Tier Talent in the UK Construction Industry
Despite being heavily impacted in recent years, the UK’s construction industry has bounced back quickly, reaching pre-pandemic output levels. The opportunities lie in abundance, from large infrastructure projects to housing and retrofitting old buildings to meet zero-carbon targets.
How Can Businesses Improve Digital Experiences in the Workplace?
Whether it's electrical or the renewable and tech industries, leaders must actively improve digital experiences across their organizations to boost employee productivity and overall customer satisfaction. Here are four fundamental measures that business managers can take in this regard...
Supporting Migrant Workers: 4 Practices That Responsible SMEs Can Follow
According to the international labour foundation, 169 million migrant workers exist globally, most located in the developed world and comprise one of the most vulnerable workers worldwide. They often leave their home countries for better economic opportunities but often find themselves in situations of exploitation and abuse.
Finance Expert Recommends 2 Key Investments to Make Before Selling Your Business
Building a business from the ground up requires substantial hard work, and seeing it succeed offers a tremendous sense of pride in what you’ve accomplished. Is it any surprise then that a whopping 316,310 UK businesses ceased trading in 2020 alone, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)?