SOPHISTICATED CLOUD - Squarespace Web Designers

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Wise Words On Your Website

When you have a great website, designed by an expert like Claudia at Sophisticated Cloud, you need to find the right words to match the style and the brand created. And the more you look at other websites you will realise that less is more ­ well, more or less anyway.

On your home page aim to summarise the benefits of your products or services in just 1 or 2 sentences. No more.

The headline is also crucial. The combination of an eye-catching opening heading and clear content will draw in the viewer and lead them on.

The best headlines are short and sharp. Two or three words if possible. In your text, aim to use the word ‘you’ much more than ‘I’ or ‘we’.

Your customers are interested in what you can offer them ­ your solutions to their problems.

Remember you have only a matter of seconds to make that first impression and capture the attention of the visitor.

Words are so important that they need to be direct, simple and straightforward. So the story of your business, product or service belongs in About Us, not on the Home Page. Better still, get customers to give Testimonials in praise of your products and services.

Ted Nicholas was a famous American copywriter who transformed the sales of a client’s shampoo with one word added to the label. That word was “Repeat”. You rarely need to wash your hair twice, but this simple call to action ensured that sales of the shampoo nearly doubled.

The lesson is to use words wisely; cut down on flowery adjectives and adverbs. The old proverb says that a picture is worth a thousand words. That may be true, but only if the words have meaning and amplify the images.