Thriving Through the Summer: How to Keep a Small Business Thriving While Juggling Motherhood and Holidays


Summer is a time of fun, sun, and family holidays.
For small business owners, especially those who are also mothers, this season can bring a unique set of challenges. Balancing the demands of running a business with the needs of your family requires creativity, flexibility, and a bit of planning. Here are five top tips to help you navigate the summer months and an additional tip for families with children who have additional needs.

1. Embrace Bite-Sized Pockets of Time

One of the best ways to stay productive during the summer is to take advantage of small pockets of time. While the kids are playing or during nap time, you can knock out a few tasks. Break down your to-do list into smaller, manageable tasks that can be completed in 15–30-minute intervals. This approach not only helps you stay on top of your work but also reduces stress by making your workload feel more manageable. Use these bite-sized moments to answer emails, make quick calls, or update your social media.

2. Prioritise Fresh Air and Exercise

Integrating exercise and fresh air into your routine can do wonders for your productivity and mental health. Consider starting your day with a family walk or a solo run. Physical activity boosts your energy levels and helps clear your mind, making you more focused and efficient when you sit down to work. Additionally, outdoor activities can be a great way to bond with your children and give them an outlet for their energy.

3. Leverage the Power of Nature

As the owner of a glamping business that incorporates animal therapy, I am fully aware of the benefits of connecting with nature. Applying this principle to our personal life can be done by scheduling regular outdoor breaks. Whether it’s a picnic lunch in the park or a quick garden check-in, nature has a calming effect and can inspire creativity. You can also involve your children in these activities, making it a fun and productive time for everyone.

4. Stay Flexible

Flexibility is key during the summer months. Your schedule might not be as predictable as it is during the school year, so it’s important to adapt and go with the flow. Be open to adjusting your work hours to fit around your family’s needs. Early mornings or late evenings might become your most productive times. Remember, it’s okay to occasionally put work aside to enjoy special moments with your children.

5. Plan Ahead for Family Holidays

When it comes to family holidays, a little planning goes a long way. Try to schedule your most critical work around these trips so you can fully disconnect and enjoy the time with your family. Communicate your availability with clients and team members in advance and set up automated responses to manage expectations. By planning, you can ensure that your business continues to run smoothly even when you’re not actively working. 

Additional Tip for Families with Children Who Have Additional Needs

For families with neurodiverse children or children with additional needs, routine and structure can be particularly important. Create a flexible yet predictable schedule that includes time for work, play, and rest. Use visual aids like calendars or charts to help your children understand the daily routine. Incorporate sensory-friendly activities such as nature walks, which can be both calming and engaging for your child. Providing a mix of structured and unstructured time can help keep everyone in the family happy and balanced.


Balancing a small business with the demands of motherhood and summer holidays is no small feat, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to thrive. By embracing bite-sized tasks, prioritising exercise and fresh air, leveraging the power of nature, staying flexible, and planning, you can keep your business running smoothly while enjoying quality time with your family. For those with children who have additional needs, maintaining a flexible routine can provide the stability and support they need. Here’s to a productive and enjoyable summer!




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