Empowering Entrepreneurship as a busy mum in today’s modern day challenges

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Motherhood is a beautiful journey, filled with love, nurturing, and countless priceless moments. But it can also be an incredible challenge especially if you are like me with the added challenge of having a child with special educational needs not to add the responsibilities  of managing a household, a relationship and maintaining a career can be overwhelming.

But for many mums, the idea of entrepreneurship has become a beacon of hope and empowerment in this modern day society. For me it offers the possibility of not just surviving but thriving in the hectic world of motherhood and having the ability to be able to adopt a growth mindset.

The modern day Mum Revolution

In the recent years, I have seen a significant rise in the number of women who choose to become mum-preneurs – mums who run their own businesses while raising their families. This trend is a testament to the determination and resilience of mothers, who are proving that it's possible to have both a thriving career and a fulfilling family life.  When I look at my grandparents generation the mother’s were usually tied to small pool of working solutions such as cleaning, childcare, working in a mill factory which my nan did since she was Fourteen years old. She also expressed how hard it was as there were no options like there is today. Parents could not nurture their children like we do now there simply wasn’t enough time to go around. My Nan raised five children which three of them were profoundly deaf, the three deaf children had to go to boarding school. Today parents have choice, freedom of speech, the ability to create a business on their skill set around family life no matter what disability or hardships.

The challenges we face as mum-preneur’s is not without its unique set of challenges. Balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with those of motherhood can be daunting. Here are some of the common challenges that are faced by most busy mum’s.

Time Management : Juggling business responsibilities with childcare can be a constant battle. Finding a flexible approach to effective time management becomes crucial to maintaining a sense of balance and one’s self care.

For me mum guilt is real, feeling torn between their businesses and their children. It's essential to remember that self-care is not selfish, and pursuing your dreams can be a positive example for your children.

Financial uncertainty when starting and running a business can be financially risky, which can be particularly stressful when providing for a family. 

Most parents I have worked with have had to start from scratch because their current job could not provide the right balance but it’s sometimes the motivation needed to step into entrepreneurship. When is comes to the financial side proper financial planning is key and most mums are quite cautious around taking risks especially those that could potentially lead to negative impacts on their family finances.

Busy mum entrepreneurs often work from home life myself but it can also lead to feelings of isolation. Building a support network of fellow mum-preneurs or joining online communities can combat this.  I have built new friendships, connections through child friendly networking which has allowed me to grow my business. I find solace by having an incredible tribe of women like myself that can support each others values.

Let’s talk about the rewards while the challenges are real, so are the rewards of entrepreneurship as a mum it allows flexibility to set your own schedule, allowing you to be there for your children when they need you most.

Being able to attend school plays, school pick ups reminds us why we do what we do.

Running your own business can be deeply fulfilling, as it often involves pursuing a passion or a creative endeavour.

Financial Independence as a mum-preneur, you have the potential to create a stable source of income that can contribute significantly to your family's financial well-being. Having your own accountability strategy and goals in place enables me to grow at my own rate without the added pressures. Setting a good example by chasing your dreams and showing determination, you teach your children the value of hard work and ambition.

Let’s look at success: So, how can you thrive as a mum-preneur? Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Clearly define your work hours and family time. This will help you maintain a healthy balance. 

2. Delegate and Outsource

Don't hesitate to ask for help or outsource tasks that can free up your time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

3. Stay Organised

Use tools and techniques to stay organised and manage your time effectively. Calendar apps, to-do lists, and time-blocking can be your best friends.

4. Self-Care

Remember that taking care of yourself allows you to better care for your family and your business. Having a tool box of resources you can fall back to can support you when you need it most.

5. Seek Support

Connect with other mum-preneurs or join business-related support groups. Sharing experiences and advice can be invaluable. Networking for me has changed my mindset, the way I look at business and how that looks for modern day mums. 

Entrepreneurship as a mum is a challenging yet a rewarding journey. It's about finding that delicate balance between nurturing your family and nurturing your business. With determination, time management, and a strong support system, you can not only succeed as a mum-preneur but also inspire your children to chase their dreams and believe in the power of a passionate pursuit.

So, here's to all the incredible mum-preneurs out there who are rewriting the narrative of motherhood, proving that women can have it all – a flourishing business and a loving family. Your journey is an inspiration, and your legacy will be one of empowerment and resilience.




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