All You Need to Know About SEO: Small Business Friendly Guide

Unfortunately, SEO isn't a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. Google's algorithms constantly change, so there's no one-time fix.

That's why only 3% of websites see the first page of search results, and the top 3 positions capture the most clicks.

 But don't despair! This article will equip you with the 3 SEO fundamentals you need to succeed.

Once you master these basics, you can easily adapt to future algorithm changes.

Encouraging news: Most small businesses are intimidated by SEO.

Learning these 3 core principles will set you apart from the competition. “Wondering”  Why SEO is important for small businesses?

That’s exactly what we’ll discuss. Here we break down the 3 pillars of SEO in plain English. Even if you've just hit the publish button on your website, you can follow along and start optimizing today.

Ready to outrank your competitors?

Let's dive in!

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Have you ever wondered why some websites hit the first page of Google, seemingly instantly, while your pages are stuck in “never, never land”? The secret lies in SEO, the art of optimizing your website's content and structure to attract search engines and, more importantly, engage your target audience.

But SEO isn't just one big strategy – it's a three-pronged approach.

 Today, we'll break down the 3 pillars of SEO.

Buckle up and get ready to unlock the secrets to getting found online!

What are the 3 Pillars of SEO?

SEO isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a powerful three-legged stool with each leg playing a crucial role:

  1. On-Page SEO: Focuses on improving the content and structure of your website itself. Think of it as having a well-organized store with clear signage and engaging product descriptions.

  2. Off-Page SEO: Here’s how to boost your website's credibility: It's all about building a stellar reputation.

  1. Technical SEO: As by the name, technical aspects of your website are running smoothly behind the scenes. Think of it as having a clean, well-maintained store that's easy for customers to navigate.

By mastering these three pillars, you'll create a website that's not just search engine friendly, but also user-friendly – the perfect recipe for attracting more visitors and boosting your online presence.

What is On-Page SEO

Picture walking into your store and can’t find what you’re looking for. Confusing signs, messy shelves, and unclear product descriptions wouldn't exactly scream "welcoming," right? That's what a website with poor on-page SEO feels like to search engines.

For tips on keyword placement, check out this helpful guide: Where to Put SEO Keywords on Your Website.

On-page SEO is all about refining the content and structure of your website to be easily understood by search engines and visitors.

Here's why it matters:

  • 70% of search engine users click on organic results (not ads) on the first page. Perfecting your website for relevant keywords and providing clear information, will increase your chances of appearing in those coveted top spots.

Here's how you can improve your on-page SEO:

  • Craft Compelling Content: Write informative, engaging content that answers your target audience's questions. Think blog posts offering supporting content for brick-and-mortar, informative "About Us" pages, and clear product descriptions.

  • Keyword Magic: Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your content naturally, but don't stuff them! Keywords are like signposts for search engines, helping them understand what your website is about.

  • Headline Power: Use clear and concise headlines with relevant keywords. Think of them as your shop window display – they should grab attention and entice people to click through.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly! With over half of all web searches happening on mobile devices, a smooth smartphone user experience is, key.

Focusing on on-page SEO, you will create a user-friendly website that search engines love. This translates into increased website traffic, leads, and ultimately, more sales for your business.

What is Off-Page SEO

In the olden days of the internet (when I first started!), ranking on search engines was simpler. But as the web exploded, Google and other search engines got "super picky".

Now, it's not just about keyword stuffing. Google and the boys value websites with authority and trust, also known as EEAT.

That's where guest posting comes in!

By contributing valuable content to relevant websites (like getting featured interviews in industry publications!), you earn backlinks - like glowing recommendations that boost your website's reputation and search ranking.

Imagine opening for Beyoncé, (how many eyeballs will be on you!)

On-page SEO makes your storefront beautiful, but off-page SEO gets you rave reviews. These "backlinks" are like votes of confidence, telling search engines your stuff is amazing.

Backlinko found websites with the most backlinks rank higher). Guest posting is a powerful tactic: write articles for relevant websites and link back to yours – it's like getting featured in your industry's top magazine, spreading the word, and attracting new customers!

Guest posting is a powerful off-page SEO tactic, but how do you get, started?

Here's a simple 5-step guide.

  1. Find relevant sites: Use Google to search for "[your industry] + write for us".

  2. Craft killer pitches: Highlight your expertise and offer valuable content ideas.

  3. Write top-notch articles: Deliver informative and engaging content for the target audience.

  4. Include a natural backlink: Mention your website in the author bio (with a link!).

  5. Build relationships: Network with editors – guest posting can be an ongoing strategy!

You might be surprised, but guest posting “isn't as difficult as you think”. Most site owners will provide their guidelines when you contact them.

However, be cautious – some guest posting sites are low-quality and might request unreasonable terms. With many reputable options available, avoid signing away your rights (metaphorically speaking!).

Technical SEO

Finally, I saved the most difficult for last. Scary... Not true.

Yes, technical SEO sounds geeky, even to me. But there's a Big Butt😉. However, there are some errors you can fix, even if you're a beginner.

Secondly, 78% of the errors are image-related. And the other stuff “is too technical” but I have a solution.

While this was fresh on my mind, I received a report from an SEO agency I used two years ago, and they still had me in their database.

Here's my before mobile page speed: Ouch!!!!

💥Sidenote: Google doesn't play that. If your page is slow, search engines, especially Google, won't consider it as a result. They don't do anything that will make them look bad, and a slow-loading page will hurt your rankings (it's a ranking factor).

Here's what I did after I freaked out: 

  1. Check my page speed on Google PageSpeed Insights

  2. At first glance the technical jargon was confusing.

  3. Ask ChatGPT to break down the info into simpler terms.

  4. Attack the biggest problem I could manage.

  5. Resized images and removed a few videos and gifs.

And then voila!

You can do the same! For the other technical stuff, consult your web designer or hosting company. I did that too (they fixed one issue).


Mastering the 3 pillars of SEO – on-page, off-page, and technical SEO – isn't magic, but it is a powerful tool to elevate your website in the digital world.

 SEO is a moving target, and staying updated with the latest trends will keep you ahead of the curve.

Also, by mastering SEO basics, you’ll attract more visitors actively searching for what you offer, and you’ll maintain competitiveness in search results.

Consider this a springboard to explore further and watch your website climb the search engine rankings, attracting more business.




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