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7 Cloud Migration Mistakes You Must Avoid

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Cloud services are a core part of modernisation in business today. Far from something to shy away from, cloud technology is something your business can embrace for major benefits such as reduced costs and greater efficiency. But there are cloud migration mistakes you can make.

Not Planning and Testing the Migration

Like any system, it helps to test cloud migration before fully adopting and adapting the system of your choice. Dry and real time test runs will help when devising a plan to install cloud systems across your company. But there can be bugs in the system. Testing helps iron out the negative elements for a smoother transition. You wouldn't use a cloud based payroll system without first checking if your employees can access it and actually receive their hard-earned money!

Cloud Migration Mistakes Includes Planning

Planning is necessary to ensure a cloud system migration goes as smoothly as possible. Thinking about the overall objectives of a cloud migration, the type you use and even the budget, you must plan a timescape for rolling out the new system. While small-scale cloud systems can be completed in a couple of weeks, a business-wide migration can take between 6 and 24 months. From the start, there could be disruption to your current company practices.

Failing to Protect Sensitive Data

Many cloud providers advertise security as a feature of their service. However, the security of data in the cloud is your responsibility. Implementing new systems, such as cloud migration, can have a devastating impact on data if not handled correctly. Security must be taken very seriously and prioritised. When you upload data to the cloud, it isn't stored locally. Instead, it resides on hardware at a data centre. Reputable services typically offer better data security.

Lack of Understanding Causes Cloud Migration Mistakes

Learning about how cloud services work and what they are is a major benefit when devising a plan for migration. Today, a massive 98% of companies use cloud computing in business. Choosing the right type of cloud network for your business will reduce problems later on:

Community cloud services

Community clouds are generally accessed by multiple departments in an organisation or many throughout a sector. They are usually collaborative and limited by geographical location.

Public cloud services

Owned by a third party, public cloud services are accessible to anyone. Because of this, they are generally cheaper but don't meet industry-specific security or compliance regulations.

Private cloud services

You can customise a private cloud service to your liking as a business. They are only accessible using user management and are recommended for controlling sensitive and private data.

Hybrid cloud services

Hybrids are useful when you want to keep sensitive data inaccessible but need to offer select services usually placed on public clouds. They are also typically more cost-effective.

Each type of cloud system has pros and cons. But depending on what you need from them, it will help to research each type and make a decision based on the needs of the company.

Moving Large Data Sets Simultaneously

One of the biggest mistakes people make when migrating data and systems to the cloud is doing it all at once. Your business relies on many data sets, apps and credentials. Imagine if they were all lost during the migration. Even with backups, the entire process would be set back by a large margin. Working with competent IT professionals will make the job easier. Plan a migration in stages and devise a test plan for each phase so you can inform employees.

Cloud Migration Mistakes and Compliance

There are compliance regulations across every sector. When it comes to migrating data, various compliance standards need to be met. For example, GDPR springs immediately to mind. You are responsible for any data you hold. However, the service provider you choose can also be a Godsend. For instance, large and reputable cloud service providers such as Microsoft and Amazon will help maintain compliance with FIPS, NIST and HIPAA regulatory standards.

Underestimating the Monetary Cost

There is a financial cost when migrating your services and systems to a cloud server. This all depends on the needs of your company, employees and even customers. But also on the service you use. Large providers such as Amazon are likely to be more expensive but offer enhanced features and security. Yet even independent cloud network providers can charge large fees. Always research services before a migration and allocate the right budget amount.


Failing to plan and test in real-time are two of the most serious cloud migration mistakes you must avoid. Not understanding what cloud networks are and what they can offer is another. Failing to assign the necessary funds for your cloud migration will also hinder your progress.