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How to grow your business, even in a recession

Are you struggling to move your business forward? Do you feel like you’re trying everything humanly possible, but for some reason, you’re not quite managing to achieve your growth goals?

You’re not alone. It’s not exactly easy at the moment, with so many challenges facing business owners in the current financial climate.

But, we’re here to tell you that there’s still another way to make money and grow your business that you maybe haven’t thought of yet, or may have dismissed early doors…

What are we talking about?

Business networking

If you’ve actively avoided networking to this point, that’ll probably conjure up thoughts of awkward encounters with several strangers and sleazy salespeople working the room, right? Or, if you have been networking before and it hasn’t quite worked for you, you might see it as a waste of time and money!

Well, at the Academy, we believe that all of this couldn’t be further from the truth, as we see networking as a room full of prospects and opportunity.

Our founder, Michael Thomas, made networking his most consistent stream of revenue over the past decade, so decided to launch to show people the ropes and help them experience the same success he’s had, and continues to have.

Through networking, you can:

  • Grow your business

  • Find more clients

  • Meet likeminded individuals

Does that sound like music to your ears? Then networking’s definitely worth exploring!

Two great ways to network

Networking’s all about building meaningful relationships with likeminded businessfolk. When done right, it can open so many doors, and why wouldn’t you want all those new opportunities to kickstart business growth?

The pandemic saw networking move online, and now, you can enjoy the best of both worlds, as Zoom has secured its spot. Have a go at networking from home, or go and meet local people in person, whichever you’d prefer.

There are pros and cons to both options, as with online networking, you can get rid of any travel time and can join meetings anywhere in the world. And with face-to-face networking, you can read the room, choose who you’d like to speak to, and make deeper connections with local, likeminded people. That’s why we recommend trying both!

Whichever route you choose to go down, or if you opt for a hybrid approach, you’ll soon be able to get to know people, build that all-important trust, and see how you can help others with your skills and services. By doing this, those leads and referrals will come.

Go in with an open mind

If networking is out of your comfort zone, you’re probably in the majority. But by pushing yourself and going to your first networking meeting with an open mind, you’ll get so much more out of it.

You’re likely to meet all sorts of people, with different personalities, interesting backgrounds, similar ambitions and experiences… networking brings a variety of folk together with a common goal, and the more of these people you can meet, the better.

Consider your body language, your tone and even your outfit, to make yourself as approachable as possible. Be confident and start conversations, and you’ll probably surprise yourself!

If someone doesn’t look like your cup of tea, don’t avoid or ignore them – talk to them anyway, as you never know who they may know and refer to you in the future, but they need to know and trust you before they put one of their contacts your way.

Now’s the time to network!

We’ve made a lot of money – and even built a business – out of networking. And we can show you exactly how we did it.

If you’re new to networking and don’t really know where to start, or if you’ve dabbled but never really got to grips with it, download this free guide from right here, and learn the basics so you can get stuck in sooner rather than later.

Leads, referrals and business growth are all a lot closer than you think!



MD at Academy