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7 Benefits of using AWS Redshift for your Data Warehousing needs

AWS Redshift is one of the most well-known and notable Data Warehouses. As part of Amazon's ecosystem of data solutions, AWS Redshift offers petabyte-scale data warehouse services. The platform uses ODBC and JDBC drivers to integrate with most third-party applications based on PostgreSQL. When big data sets are too large or fast for a premises-based warehouse, a cloud data warehouse can perform analytics on them. In addition to automating data backups, patches, and performance monitoring, hosted data warehouse solutions also provide full administration services.

A data lake allows you to use unstructured data that can't be incorporated into a data warehouse to get information. Redshift extends data warehouse queries to many data lake engineering services without requiring loading. AWS Redshift is an Amazon Web Services managed data warehouse solution. Data warehouses are large-scale data storage and analysis solutions.

Choosing the right data warehouse solution is just as important as collecting data for business intelligence. To get the most out of your data, it must be easily accessible, well-organized, and simple to manipulate and store. Before deciding to integrate Redshift with your existing system, it's important to understand what it has to offer.

So, what are the advantages of migrating to Redshift data warehouses? The data warehousing solution is an appealing option for business intelligence in addition to its large storage capacity. With Amazon Redshift, you can easily integrate serverless web services, serverless applications, and traditional applications into the cloud native application development environment.

7 reasons to use AWS Redshift for your data warehouse

This technology is used by most data engineering companies to implement data warehousing to cater to their customers.  Continue reading to learn why to use AWS Redshift for your business.

  • Incredibly quick

One of the most obvious Amazon Redshift advantages is that it is extremely fast. This speed is enabled by its data warehouse architecture's Massive Parallel Processing (MPP). Using multiple nodes maximizes resources by distributing the workload among them. Working in parallel, this improves query performance even with petabyte-scale datasets. 

  • Simple to scale

Amazon Redshift's flexibility and, especially, scalability make it appealing to businesses of all sizes. Amazon Redshift scales from single 160GB nodes to 16TB nodes, allowing you to build a petabyte-scale data warehouse without sacrificing performance. Because of its scalability, Amazon Redshift can benefit both large multinational corporations and start-ups looking for a data warehousing solution that can scale with their company's growth. 

  • Low cost

Businesses of all sizes can use Amazon Web Services because of its low cost. With Redshift's pricing model, businesses can maintain closer control over their data warehousing costs while also gaining greater flexibility. Cloud infrastructure and the ability to keep workloads on the majority of nodes to a minimum allow the company to offer such pricing.

Furthermore, organizations can select between two pricing models: on-demand and reserved instances. The former is generally more appealing to smaller businesses or those with fewer data warehousing needs, whereas the latter provides a more stable data storage ecosystem. 

  • Robust

Even if they do not contain sensitive data, massive data sets contain vital business information. As a result, the ideal data warehouse solution should include strong data protection tools. It's a part of popular cloud computing companies’ offerings, used by many platforms like Lyft and McDonald's.

  • Redshift connects to the majority of data sources

A third-party data management service or a user typically installs SQL client tools to connect data sources to Redshift clusters. Amazon provides Python, JDBC, and ODBC drivers for setting up data transfer connections. The AWS Redshift team does not support Postgres drivers. For efficient data collection, administrators can connect pipelines to Postgres databases.

  • Disaster relief

Servers fail all the time and must be backed up. This is made simple by the cloud. Keeping backups of your data warehouse is the only decision your team has to make.

You can use the cloud providers' systems to take snapshots of your data warehouses, duplicate them, or store backups. Moreover, you may be able to duplicate your data warehouse on other servers across the cloud provider's network.

  • Elasticity

It is often possible today to configure cloud data warehouses to be elastic. Accordingly, the data warehouse allocates resources dynamically. Using high-performing data warehouses while only using the necessary computing resources can save teams money. Traditionally, businesses were constrained to the meager memory resources they had on-premise. Additionally, businesses often over purchased computing resources, resulting in a lot of wasted resources.

Amazon Redshift can be used in 4 typical ways

Using Redshift, you can build a cloud-based cluster for big data that is highly adaptable and scalable. Data in Redshift can range from a few gigabytes to a petabyte, so the term "big" is relative. One of the most common reasons businesses use a cloud data warehouse is for real-time analytics and flexible warehousing.

Versatile cloud storage system

Redshift offers flexibility to create new warehouses quickly and affordably in the cloud, especially when compared to the labour-intensive, expensive process.

Log analytics

Redshift is a reasonable choice for storing and gathering unprocessed event data for real-time log analysis. There is no reason to incur exorbitant storage costs when it comes to IoT sensor logs and other fast-moving data streams.

Real-time analytics

Redshift and business intelligence tools can be integrated with a cloud data warehouse for real-time analytics. Redshift is a tool for efficiently investigating novel analytical capabilities like real-time fraud detection or custom product recommendations.

Performance reporting

Predictive analytics models can be continuously fed data from cloud data warehouses, which has the advantage of speed and reliability for mission-critical reporting on various data sources.


Amazon Redshift offers state-of-the-art encryption with its built-in encryption - the user simply turns it on, and all data is automatically encrypted. Additionally, SSL and Amazon VPC are built-in, which means more security for your data. Data, accounts, and workloads can be protected from unauthorized access and other cloud security risks using AWS's Redshift.

Amazon Redshift is also preferred due to the high quality it provides at a low cost. This enables you to scale up your data infrastructure on demand and begin moving data from all of your critical business applications easily and seamlessly.

By choosing the right AWS consulting services partner to set up a data warehouse infrastructure that meets your needs and allows you to grow and scale, you can increase the value of your business through much better insights and analytics.