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5 Of The Best Marketing Lead Generation Strategies

When it comes to lead generation for your business, there are many strategies and methods to use to achieve your targets. For example, telemarketing is a great way to drive B2B leads, while the likes of traditional advertising and free trials are great for B2C leads.

Using marketing for lead generation is an effective way to make sales and hit lead targets. Due to the use of technology, marketing lead generation strategies are also easy to measure, meaning it’s easier than other methods to decipher whether they work for your business or not.

If you're not sure where to start, here are 5 of the best marketing lead generation strategies that you should try:

Social Media Lead Generation Strategy

Social media has transformed the way we do business, and it's become a valuable lead generation tool. With hashtags and status updates you can target your ideal client and build your audience with every post.

If you don't already have an account on Twitter or Facebook, now is the time to create one! If there's not much activity on your social pages (i.e. few followers/likes), try updating them more often, posting valuable content and sharing other business' pages – this will help boost your popularity and number of followers.

Once you've got a decent amount of traction, start targeting specific people with engaging posts that link back to your website and drive traffic to it. Your page should also be linked to Twitter & Facebook.

Content Marketing Strategy

The aim of content marketing is to provide value to your audience, whether it's through articles, videos or infographics. Content should be anything that brings in new customers, increases awareness around your brand and adds value in some way. This could involve blogging about industry news, sharing helpful tips for consumers or creating material that showcases products/services you offer.

The benefit of this strategy is: search engines rank pages with valuable content in them over traditional ads, so people are more likely to click on these links when they see them. If users enjoy the content you publish, they'll share it which helps increase traffic overall!

Creating a content plan for your business is the first step to take when starting with content marketing. Once you have your plan ready, finished content will successfully slot together to increase the amount of links on your site, as well as show a coherent vision from your brand.

Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing can help you stay in touch with customers and prospects alike. This is a great way to help bring in new leads through your usual client base, which can benefit you in the long run.

To get started, all you have to do is create an email newsletter (you might want to make one for announcements, news, etc!) and include links back to your website on every page. Make sure you're offering something of value whenever you send out these newsletters; whether it's an advantageous coupon, promotion code or useful information that your audience would find helpful.

SEO Strategy

When somebody searches for keywords related to the product/service you offer (e.g. "marketing agency", "accountants") Google will show results about that topic on its first page.

Getting ranked on Google is a necessity if you want to be taken seriously in business. Your website needs to have the correct keyword density and backlinks to show that you're a professional company worth investing your money with. If you had a limited budget, this would be one of the best places to spend it.

It's also important to have a blog on your site so it can easily improve its SEO value by being linked to from other sites & being shared online more often.

Paid Ads Strategy

Paid ads are another way for potential clients or customers to find out about your company and get in touch to become leads. Facebook/Instagram advertising allows us to target specific audiences according to their age, interests, location and many more factors, making it the ideal first platform to start advertising on.

This strategy can be super effective if you're creative with it! Think about what your audience would like to see in order for them to click on your ad and go through to the next step (i.e. a picture of your product/service or a video). Use split testing in order to find out which ads are performing the best so you know where best to spend your money.

Overall, all of these marketing strategies are great ways to generate leads and drive traffic to your website.

Social media is most likely the cheapest option, but can take longer than others if there's not much activity on pages yet.

Content marketing, SEO & paid ads should be used in addition to social media as they're more effective together. However, it's up to you how much of your advertising budget goes towards each strategy.